- About us
About us
ArcelorMittal Zenica is the largest producer of long steel products in the Balkans. - Health & Safety
Health and safety
ArcelorMittal’s core philosophy is to produce safe, sustainable steel, making health and safety the priority for the company.
- Sales
ArcelorMittal Zenica is the major producer of long steel products in the Balkan region, with production capacity of nearly one million tonnes per year.
- Corporate ResponsibilityArcelorMittal Zenica is part of a global company that places Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the heart of everything it does.
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Investing in our community
We understand that dialogue with the local community where we operate is crucial for the mutual understanding we strive for
ArcelorMittal Zenica has defined its stakeholders and main issues and regularly updates them in accordance with the real situation, always trying to improve current relationships. It results in very active communication and engagement of the Company with its stakeholders.
We understand that dialogue with the local community where we operate is crucial for the mutual understanding we strive for.
Since the beginning of its Corporate Responsibility activities, ArcelorMittal Zenica has realized around 450 Community Investment projects, supporting directly or indirectly around 100.000 beneficiaries through those projects.
Besides continuous cooperation and support to various organizations, associations, primary and secondary schools, faculties, etc., in June 2015 ArcelorMittal Zenica completed a flood relief project – the road reconstruction in the village of Bistrica that was destroyed due to a landslide in May 2014. With that project, the company invested a total of 250.000 Eur.
Also, a very significant project is the newly opened sports field in the local community Pehare, whose main investor is ArcelorMittal Zenica, with an investment of BAM 240,000. Five local communities and settlements, with around 12,000 residents, gravitate to this sports field, and it is expected that these fields, which were once a high-quality training ground for many sports activities and the creation of sports aces, will once again become recognizable in Zenica. The sports field is officially opened in September 2022. For more information, please click HERE.
JV Toplana Zenica d.o.o. – an energy-efficient, environment-friendly, reliable, and economical solution for heating the city of Zenica
About Toplana Zenica: The value of the new heating plant is 53 million euros. Partners’ Investment of 12 million euro – ArcelorMittal Zenica has an ownership share of 50 percent; the City of Zenica 20 percent, and Finnish partners KPA Union and Finn Fund 15 percent each. Financing by EBRD 41 million euros and with a full guarantee from the ArcelorMittal Group. On average, more than 150,000 tons of coal were used per year for the operation of old boilers, which was completely eliminated with the installation of new gas boilers.
Toplana Zenica operates with three new boilers, using coke gas and blast furnace gases from ArcelorMittal Zenica.
Environmental emission reduced:
- SOX reduced from around 2000 mg/Nm3 to below 200 mg/Nm3
- Dust reduced from around 100 mg/Nm3 to below 10 mg/Nm3
- NOX reduced from around 300 mg/Nm3 to below 100 mg/Nm3
Toplana Zenica is officially opened in March 2022. For more information, please click HERE.